Monday, December 17, 2012

Eric Corliss Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events | EMU ...

On November 28 and 29 two Bathhouse reading events took place in the auditorium of Roosevelt hall on campus.? There were three authors in the event, beginning with a reading on the afternoon of the 28th and a panel discussion including audience questions on the 29th.

The reading began with Dmitri Anastasopoulos, a professor of English at the University of Buffalo.? Unlike most of the Bathhouse guests I have seen, Dmitri is a novelist, not a poet.? Still, the piece of his novel-in-progress that he read to us was rather poetic in sound.? It was not dry, straightforward prose by any means.? The character he focused on seemed to be going back and forth through his life, or at least this section was composed mostly of recollection and flashback, so that the story seemed fragmented even as it followed a clear thematic path.? It was pretty good, I would be interested in reading more of his work.

Camille Roy read from two sources, a piece of work she is currently working on and her previously published book of poetry, Sherwood Forest.? I read Sherwood Forest before coming to the reading, so her poetry was familiar to me, but still difficult to grasp.? She spoke in the panel about how she tries to make her poetry accessible to everyone, so that someone without the experience and knowledge in experimental poetry can still get enjoyment and feeling out of her work, but to be honest I mostly found myself struggling to keep up.? Her use of words is very unusual, so that it never sounds like prose, but has none of the qualities of traditional poetry.? It just seemed opaque to me, but that may be because of my own biases.? I have never been good at experimental poetry, it often goes over my head.? It feels like, despite Camille?s efforts, that I would need to know exactly where she was coming from to have any hope of understanding her.? I get very little of the emotion behind her words, just the nonsense of the words themselves.

This has unfortunately been the case too often in my time at Eastern.? The Creative Writing department here is mostly made up of avant garde poets, and I have always aspired to be a fiction writer.? Dmitri Anastasopoulos was rather obtuse and nonlinear in his reading, but at least it was recognizable, with characters and the actions they took and thoughts they experienced.? I was able to connect much better with him than with the other two presenters.

Speaking of which, Rachel Levitsky was the third author there, and she was at least easier to understand than Camille Roy.? Still unusual and far from straightforward, but I did get a sense of what she was going for.? As she read from her book Neighbor I had an odd feeling of the space she was creating, a sort of cramped interior, lived in and used up but still vibrant with human life.? It was rather pleasant to hear, actually.

The more interesting event was the next day at the discussion panel.? It began with three presentations from the authors on stage.? Rachel Levitsky?s was interesting, I like the idea she was getting at.? An important fact of our urban existence is decay, and forgetting about whatever is old and no longer exciting.? It?s an interesting thought she put forth, that as we lose sight of the locations we have built, we also forget what they meant historically, culturally, and in regards to the literature they are connected with.? These are non-renewable resources, and so rediscovering them before they are gone for good is a worthy goal.

Camille Roy?s presentation was about obscurity.? What she means by this is the way our own language is used and where it came from.? Any word in the English language comes with centuries of etymological history, changes in connotation and meaning and cultural significance.? You can?t use a word without summoning a vast backstory, but most people are very insensitive to these arcane facts of language.? Camille pointed out that poetry used to be almost a separate language from actual speech, accessible only by the aristocracy.? Her goal is to further the purpose of making poetry more universal; even though it is difficult, it is still inclusive despite its obscurity, as long as one is interested in it and willing to work to understand it.? I have certainly experienced this myself in the Eastern Creative Writing program.? I was quite unfamiliar with such obscure forms of poetry before I came here, and I have learned a lot about how to dig into it and get new things out of it.? It?s frustrating at times, but I will admit to an expanded understanding of poetry and writing in general thanks to this program.

Dmitri Anastasopoulos went on at length about a lot of things.? His main idea, I think, was about how narrative permeates our lives; it is not just a technique of literature that exists in print and not in the real world.? I tried to write down everything he said, but honestly I couldn?t keep up.? He spoke a lot about how virtual worlds in online video games show us things about communities and groups of people that we can?t measure in the real world, and how a lot of it seems counter-intuitive.? He spoke about economic theories, and how they are sometimes poorly constructed because of the way people think in terms of narrative; a narrative is rather personal, and however epic or large scale it may be, it comes down to individual characters, which is not the way an economy works, thus these theories are often suspect.? Yeah, it was long and twisting and complicated; interesting, but hard to contain here or even remember in this review.

I?ve been to many Bathhouse readings in 3 years at Eastern, but I think this one was honestly my favorite.? All three authors were interesting, even if they were sometimes long-winded or hard to follow.? The reading on the 28th was interesting for the questions it prompted in me to myself.? I have never read anything of my own publicly, not to a room larger than my own classes.? The social space they have to be aware of when they choose what to read and how to read it is something I have not experienced, and I think I would have to before I can really grasp its implications.? So basically, I need to get myself out there, get more experience in community interaction regarding my own art.? Unless I want to be J. D. Salinger and cut off any interaction with the literary world at large, I need to start thinking about these things.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

White House: Tax hike threat could hurt retailers

WASHINGTON (AP) ? White House economists warned Monday that the uncertainty of a potential hike in taxes next year for middle class taxpayers under the looming fiscal cliff could hurt consumer confidence during the crucial holiday shopping season.

In a new report that coincides with Congress' return after the Thanksgiving holiday, the White House says that if lawmakers don't halt the automatic increase in taxes for households earning less than $250,000, consumers might even curtail their shopping during the current holiday season.

"As we approach the holiday season, which accounts for close to one-fifth of industry sales, retailers can't afford the threat of tax increases on middle-class families," the report says.

The study by President Barack Obama's National Economic Council and his Council of Economic Advisers also says a sudden increase in taxes for middle-income taxpayers would reduce consumer spending in 2013 by nearly $200 billion, significantly slowing the economic recovery.

The figures echo estimates by private forecasters and by the Congressional Budget Office.

Congress and Obama have until the end of the year to avoid across the board tax increases that would do away with rates set during the administration of President George W. Bush and restore higher tax rates in place during President Bill Clinton's administration when the economy was robust and the federal government had a budget surplus.

Many middle income taxpayers also would be exposed to automatic tax increases under the Alternative Minimum Tax, which is designed to guarantee a certain level of tax payment by wealthier taxpayers.

According to the report, a married couple earning between $50,000 and $85,000 with two children would see a $2,200 increase in their taxes.

Obama wants the Bush-era tax rates to remain at their current level for households earning less than $250,000. He is calling on Congress to increase taxes for families earning more than that threshold.

Obama's plan is part of an overall deficit reduction package that would increase tax revenue by about $1.5 trillion and reduce spending by a similar amount over 10 years.

Congressional Republicans, led by House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, have said they are open to including discussions about additional revenue but have balked at any plan that raises tax rates on the wealthy. They argue that the higher rates would also hit some small businesses, stifling economic growth.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Monday the urgency of finding solutions intensifies as the end of the year approaches.

"If we don't do anything, on Jan. 1, 2013, there's a lot more people paying a lot more," the Virginia Republican said on MSNBC.

Cantor said the rapidly approaching deadline accounts for the more serious tone to the debate, but also reaffirmed the GOP's opposition to raising tax rates for the wealthy. "We've got to have the president step up and say, here's my position on how we reform these entitlements and start managing down the deficits," he said.

"What should be on the table is a recipe to fix the problem and not give away growth," Cantor said, when asked whether Republicans would agree to have increases in tax rates considered.

"We were re-elected to fix the problems, get the economy going again," he said. "Well, the president got re-elected and we know at the end of the year taxes are going to go up on everybody, rich and poor alike," if no action is taken to avert the hikes.


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Senior Scholarship List as of November 26, 2012. ? Lakeland High ...

Lakeland High School

Senior Guidance Department

Scholarship List


**In order to obtain an application you must complete a Scholarship Request form (which is located in the Guidance Department). All completed request forms must be given to Ms. Stanley to ensure prompt receipt of applications.


Name of the Scholarship: The Ron Brown Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements: The Ron Brown Scholar Program seeks to identify African-American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society. Applicants must excel academically, exhibit exceptional leadership potential, participate in community service activities and demonstrate financial need.

Deadlines: The Ron Brown Scholar Program currently has two deadlines for applications (students must be current high school seniors at the time of their application):

January 9th ? final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for only the Ron Brown Scholar Program ONLY.


Name of the Scholarship: Suntrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be a high school senior or undergraduate student.

Deadline: you will need to complete an online application at


Name of the Scholarship: The Gates Millennial Scholars Program

Eligibility Criteria: You must be an African American, American Indian/Alaska native, Asian Pacific Islander American or Hispanic American; you must be a U. S. citizen; have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 on an unweighted 4.0 scale; will enroll in an accredited college or university in the fall of 2013 and have demonstrated leadership abilities through participation in community service, extracurricular or other activities.

Deadline: January 16, 2013 (by 11:59 pm EST) There is an online application at or you can obtain a paper copy from the Guidance office.


Name of Scholarship: J. Theron ?Tim? Timmins Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to attend an accredited institution of higher learning in the Commonwealth of Virginia and have a grade point average of 3.0.

Deadline: April 14, 2013.??????????????????????


Name of Scholarship: Create A Greeting Card

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a U. S. citizen and enrolled in high school, college or a university.? THIS SCHOLARSHIP IS FOR ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (9-12)

Deadline: January 16, 2013 ( to apply)


Name of Scholarship: 2013 Elie Wiesel Writing Competition and Visual Arts


Eligibility Criteria: Information on this competition will not be available until after Thanksgiving.?



Deadline: TBA.


Name of the Scholarship: Fleet Reserve Association (Chesapeake & Virginia Beach)

Eligibility Criteria: You must be enrolled in grades 7-12. There is an Americanism Essay and Post Contest. For more information please see Ms. Stanley in Guidance.

Deadline: December 1, 2012 (


Name of Scholarship: Suffolk Education Foundation

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior in the Class of 2013 and you must be a Suffolk Public schools? student to apply. (Please note that there are several scholarships available with different requirements).?

Deadline: April 3, 2013 (please return all completed applications to Ms. Stanley in Guidance).


Name of Scholarship: Nettie Tucker Yowell Scholarships

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating high school senior who is not a Virginia BPW Foundation Trustee or related to a Trustee; a citizen of the U. S.; a resident of Virginia; have a 3.0 or better GPA; have passed all SOL tests; scored 1000 or above on the SAT or a comparable score on another college board exam and will pursue a baccalaureate (bachelors) degree at a Virginia-based college or university.? Please visit

Deadline: April 1, 2013.


Name of the Scholarship: Holland Blackburn

Eligibility Criteria: You must be an African American graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend the University of Virginia; have a 600 or better on each section of the SAT and in the top 10% of your class.

Deadline: See website (


Name of the Scholarship: University Achievement Award

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to attend and apply to the University of Virginia; you must have a history of overcoming disadvantage; be a first generation college student; be a member of an underrepresented minority or ethnic group; be a member of a low-income family; reside in a rural or inner-city location and have been raised in a single parent household.

Deadline: You are automatically considered for this scholarship when applying.


Name of the Scholarship: Walter N. Ridley

Eligibility Criteria: You must be an African American graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend the University of Virginia; you must have special talents and/or leadership qualities (characteristics) and have excelled academically.

Deadline: See website (


Name of the Scholarship: Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a Hispanic graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend the University of Virginia and in need of financial assistance.

Deadline: See website (


Name of the Scholarship: Questbridge Scholarship Program

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend the University of Virginia and have an extreme financial need.

Deadline: See website (



Name of the Scholarship: Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Contest

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a high school student (9-12 grade).

Deadline: December 3, 2012 (Come to Guidance to obtain Contest Information).



Name of the Scholarship: GE Regan Foundation

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a high school senior who possess leadership skills, drive, integrity and citizenship.

Deadline: January 10, 2012 (apply at



Name of the Scholarship: American Society of Military Comptrollers

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior ranked in the upper half of the graduating class; plans to pursue a degree in financial/resource management or a related field and have applied to a college/university and will be accepted prior to June 1.

Deadline: February 1, 2013 (post mark date)


Name of the Scholarship: Pridemore

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend Radford University; have a minimum gpa of 3.3; a combined SAT score of 1100 or higher and have the ability to demonstrate an outstanding level of achievement in theater.

Deadline: January 25, 2013.



Name of the Scholarship: GeorgAnne Voland Buck

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend Radford University; have a minimum gpa of 33; a combined SAT score of 1100 or higher and have the ability to demonstrate an outstanding level of achievement in theater.

Deadline: January 25, 2013.



Name of the Scholarship: National Co-op Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who has a 2.5 gpa or better on a 4.0 scale and will apply and be accepted for the 3013-14 school at one of the WACE Partner Institutions listed.

Deadline: February 15, 2013.


Name of the Scholarship: Epsilon Sigma Alpha

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior.

There are several scholarships listed on this website.

Deadline: Various deadlines (visit this website ).



Name of the Scholarship: Norfolk State University DNIMAS

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who has applied to NSU and is interested in majoring STEM (College of Science Engineering and Technology).

Deadline: January 31, 2013.


?Name of the Scholarship: AXA Achievement

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior.

Deadline: February 1, 2013.


Name of the Scholarship: American Society of Military Comptrollers

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior ranked in the upper half of the graduating class; plans to pursue a degree in financial/resource management or a related field and have applied to a college/university and will be accepted prior to June 1.

Deadline: February 1, 2013 (post mark date)


Name of the Scholarship: Pridemore

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend Radford University; have a minimum gpa of 3.3; a combined SAT score of 1100 or higher and have the ability to demonstrate an outstanding level of achievement in theater.

Deadline: January 25, 2013.



Name of the Scholarship: GeorgAnne Voland Buck

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to apply to and attend Radford University; have a minimum gpa of 33; a combined SAT score of 1100 or higher and have the ability to demonstrate an outstanding level of achievement in theater.

Deadline: January 25, 2013.



Name of the Scholarship: Abbott & Fenner

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a junior or a graduating senior planning to attend a 4 year college or university.

Deadline: June 14, 2013 (



Name of the Scholarship: Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a full-time graduating senior; demonstrate a strong commitment to community service and display leadership abilities in school activities and have a grade point average of 2.8 or higher. Note: You must be nominated by a counselor or administrator.

Deadline: December 7, 2012 (


Name of the Scholarship: National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women?s Club

Eligibility Criteria: You must be an African American graduating senior; have a grade point average of 3.0 or above and be a United States citizen.

Deadline: January 1, 2013, 2013 (application will be available in December, 2012 at


Name of the Scholarship: The Jackie Robinson Foundation

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a minority graduating senior who will attend an accredited 4 year college/university within the U.S., show leadership potential, demonstrate a dedication to community service, and have a financial need and an ACT score of 22 or SAT score of 1,000 (math and critical reading).

Deadline: February 15, 2013 (you must apply online at


Name of the Scholarship: Thurgood Marshall College Fund

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to attend a TMCF college/university, must complete the FASFA, be a U.S. citizen, demonstrate leadership qualities and service experience and be recommended by a faculty or staff member at your current school (counselor).

Deadline: application available February of 2013 (you must apply online at


Name of the Scholarship: United Negro College Fund

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior.?

Various scholarships are available.

Deadline: Various deadlines (you must apply online at


Name of the Scholarship: Mary Free Bed Minority Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be an African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaskan Native, have a cumulative grade point of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, currently enrolled in or accepted into an accredited college or university as a full-time degree-seeking student in nursing or therapy program (PT , Speech, OT), demonstrate leadership abilities through participation in community services, extracurricular activities or other volunteer activities and demonstrate commitment to serving diverse populations.

Deadline: Application will be available January, 2013 (you can apply at


Name of the Scholarship: Daughter of the American Revolution

Eligibility Criteria: See list of scholarships below with eligibility requirements. ??

??????????? Richard and Elizabeth Dean Scholarship (General Scholarship)

??????????? Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to attend a 4 year

??????????? college/university and have a grade of point average of 3.75. This scholarships is

??????????? renewable.

??????????? Political Science, History, Government, and Economics Scholarships

??????????? ?Dr. Aura-Lee A. and James Hobbs Pittenger American History

??????????? Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who will pursue an undergraduate

??????????? degree with a concentrated study of a minimum of 24 credit hours in American History

??????????? and American Government, a U.S. citizen and have a grade point average of 3.25.


??????????? The Lucinda Beneventi Findley History

??????????? Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who have demonstrated interest

in history and is planning to major in history in a full-time accredited college or university in the U.S. and you must have a grade point average of 3.25.


Deadline: February 15, 2013 (visit this website to obtain an application



Name of the Scholarship: National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a high school senior who is a child of a parent with MS, planning to attend a 4 year college/university, a United State citizen, and will be enrolled in at least 6 credits in the fall of 2013.

Deadline: January 15, 2013. (Apply at



Name of the Scholarship: Norfolk and Portsmouth Bar Association Foundation

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who resides in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach or Chesapeake and plans to attend college.

Deadline: March 4, 2013.



Name of the Scholarship: George E. Allen Academic Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to matriculate at a college or university majoring in nursing, business, trade, technical training or a similar program; possess good character and has demonstrated good attendance and high achievement.

Deadline: March 1, 2013 (post mark date).


Name of the Scholarship: VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who plans to attend college and has demonstrated academic excellence.?

Deadline: February 22, 2013 (post mark date).


Name of the Scholarship: Stephen J. Brady

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a high school student who has demonstrated commitment to the community by performing volunteer service impacting hunger in the United States (within the past 12 months).

Deadline: December 5, 2012 (apply by visiting


Name of the Scholarship: Davidson Fellows

Eligibility Criteria: You must be 18 or younger by September 29, 2013; be a United States citizen; have completed a significant piece of work and be able to demonstrate that the work is your own creation.

Deadline: February 3, 2013(apply by visiting .


Name of the Scholarship: Gilbraitti Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be between the ages of 16-20 and will attend a college/university in the Fall of 2013.

Deadline: March 1, 2013(apply by visiting .


Name of the Scholarship: Words or Less Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be between the ages of 14 and 25 and will attend college in the Fall of 2013.

Deadline: April 1, 2013(apply by visiting .


Name of the Scholarship: Virginia Tech (Pamplin Scholars)

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who is planning to attend Virginia Tech; have an overall grade point average of 3.8 and be ranked in the top ten percent of your class.

Deadline: See website for deadline and application details .


Name of the Scholarship: Johnson Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria: You must be a graduating senior who is planning to attend William and Lee University.

Deadline: December 1, 2012 (please visit for additional details)


Name of the Scholarship: Sigma Gamma Rho (Norfolk Alumnae Chapter)

Eligibility Criteria: You must be an African American female or male who plans to attend a four year accredited college and be a graduating high school senior

Deadline: ?March 16, 2013



Additional Scholarships


***Please note that the scholarships listed are not available in the Guidance Department.


Howard University Presidential Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: First-Time-in-College students with SAT=1500 ? 1600, ACT = 34 ? 36, and GPA ? 3.75. Award: Tuition, Fees, Room, Board, $950 Book Voucher, & Laptop Deadline: contact for details


Hampton University Presidential Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: Freshmen with a SAT score of 1300 ? 1390 (combined Math and Critical Reading score only) or an ACT composite score ranging from 29- 31. Award: Tuition, Room, and Board Deadline: contact for details


Hampton University Trustee Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: Freshmen with a minimum SAT score of 1400 (combined Math and Critical Reading score only) or minimum ACT

composite score of 32. Award: Tuition, Room, Board, and a $500 book stipend Deadline: contact for details


McDonald?s Scholarship (African American Future Achievers)

Contact: RMHC US Scholarship Program, International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc.

PO Box 22376, Nashville, TN 37202, Eligibility:

Currently enrolled high school seniors who have at least one parent of African American or Black Caribbean heritage and who are eligible to enroll and attend an institution of higher education or vocational/technical school with a complete course of study in the year immediately following graduation. Applicant must be a legal US resident, be less than 21 years of age, have a minimum 2.7 GPA and reside within the geographic boundaries of a participating Chapter that offers a scholarship under the RMHC/African American Future Achievers Scholarship program. Award: $1,000 Deadline: January 27


Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.

Contact: or 310-215-3985 Eligibility:

Current high school graduating seniors with a GPA of at least three points (3.0) on a four-point scale.

Award: $1,500 Deadline: January 15



Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program

Contact: Eligibility: The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

Program was created to encourage outstanding students to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural

sciences, or engineering and to foster excellence in those fields. Student must be a full-time matriculated

sophomore or junior pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of higher education, have a college grade point? average of at least ?B? (or the equivalent) and be in the upper fourth of his or her class, and be a US citizen or a permanent resident. Award: up $7,500 Deadline: January 27



Dell Scholars Program

Contact: Eligibility: Must have participated in a Michael & Susan Dell Foundation approved college readiness program for a minimum of two years; be a current high school graduating senior; earned a minimum of a 2.4 GPA; demonstrated need for financial assistance; plan to enter a bachelor?s degree program at an accredited higher education institution in the fall directly after graduation from high school, and be of US citizenship or permanent residency. Award: varies Deadline: January 15


Discover Scholarship Program

Contact:, or 1-866-

756-7932 Eligibility: Any current high school junior who has at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale for 9th and 10th grades, demonstrates accomplishments in community service and leadership, and has faced a significant roadblock or challenge. Award: varies Deadline: January 31


Emma L. Bowen Foundation Work/Study

Contact: Eligibility: Minority high school

juniors and seniors and college freshmen with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and an interest in a career in the media industry (business, technical, creative, and journalism) are eligible to apply. Candidates must be US citizens or have permanent residency status in the US and be fluent in English. Award: Students earn an hourly salary and matching funds for tuition and other college expenses. Deadline: January 31


Princeton Prize in Race Relations

Contact:, or 800-742-1036 Eligibility: Any

student currently enrolled in grades 9?12 in participating regions. The candidate must have been actively

involved in a volunteer activity in the last 12 months that has had a significant, positive impact on race

relations?broadly defined?in his or her school or community. Award: $1,000 Deadline: January 31

National Society of Black Physicists Scholarships

Contact: Eligibility: Declared physics majors Award: $1,000 Deadline: January 13

National Peace Essay Contest

Contact: or 202-429-7178 contest Eligibility: Students who are in grades 9-12 and attending school in any of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, or the US Territories. Award: $1,000 -$10,000 Deadline: February 1



American Physical Society Minority Scholarship

Contact: 301-209-3232 or,

Eligibility: Any African-American, Hispanic American, or Native American US citizen or permanent

resident who is majoring or planning to major in physics, and who is a high school senior, college freshman, or sophomore is eligible to apply for the scholarship. Award: $2,000 Deadline: February 4



American Bar Foundation Summer Research Diversity Fellowships in Law and Social Science

Contact: 312-988-6560 or Eligibility: American citizens and lawful permanent

residents including, but not limited to, persons who are African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native

American, or Puerto Rican. Scholarships for sophomore and junior academic majors in social sciences or

humanities with a 3.0 or higher grade point average. Award: $ 3,600/8 weeks Deadline: February 15



Davidson Fellows Scholarships

Contact:, Eligibility:

Extraordinary young people, 18 and under, who have completed a significant piece of work in the categories of Mathematics, Science, Literature, Music, Technology, Philosophy and Outside the Box who are US citizens residing in the US, or Permanent Residents of the US residing in the US, or stationed overseas due to active US military duty. Award: $10,000 ? $50,000 Deadline: February 1

KFC Colonel?s Scholars Program

Contact: 866-KFC-7240 or Eligibility:

Current high school graduating senior. Earn a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.75. Plan to pursue 11 a bachelor?s degree at a public, in-state college or university (start date no later than September 30). Be a US citizen or permanent resident. Demonstrate financial need. Award: up to $5,000 Deadline: February


**USDA/1890 National Scholars Program**

Contact: Carl Butler, Program Manager, USDA/1890 National Scholars Program, (202) 720-9238 or, Eligibility: Graduating high school senior must be a US citizen; have a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale); have a combined verbal/math/written score of 1,500 or more on the SAT (note: 1,000 or more combined for those universities that only accept verbal/math score) or a composite score of 21 or more on the ACT; be interested in attending one of the eighteen 1890 Land-Grant Universities; intend to study agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or other related academic

disciplines; and demonstrate leadership and community service. Award: Tuition, fees, books, room and

board, and use of a laptop computer, printer and software while on scholarship for each of the 4 academic

years, plus a paid summer internship each year. Upon completion of the program, there is an obligation of 1year of service to the US Department of Agriculture for each year of financial support. Deadline: February 1



LAGRANT Foundation Scholarship

Contact: or, Eligibility: Undergraduate (current freshmen,

sophomores, juniors and non-graduating seniors ONLY!) may apply. Applicant must be a US citizen or

permanent resident and a member of one of the following ethnic groups: African American, Asian Pacific

Islander, Hispanic/Latino or Native American/Alaska Native. Applicant must be a full-time student at a fouryear, accredited institution with a minimum of 2.75 GPA and MUST major in a field of study that has an emphasis on public relations, marketing or advertising or must minor in communications with desire to

pursue a career in public relations, marketing or advertising. Award: $5,000 Deadline: February 28



National Co-op Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: Have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. Award: contact for details Deadline: February 15



American Meteorological Society (AMS) Minority Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: The AMS Minority Scholarships help support the college educations of minority students traditionally underrepresented in the sciences who intend to pursue careers in the atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic sciences. Minority students who will be entering their freshman year of college in fall 2012 are eligible to apply. Award: $3000 for a nine-month period in the freshman year and an additional $3000 for a nine-month period in the sophomore year. Deadline: February 10

Contact:, or 212-

290-8600 Eligibility: Minority graduating high school senior showing leadership potential, demonstrating a dedication to community service, and demonstrating financial need. Award: up to $7,500 Deadline: Mar 30



The Buick Achievers Scholarship

Contact: or 1-800-537-

4180 Eligibility: Be high school seniors or high school graduates who are first-time college students, plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university, plan to major in a course of study that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math), demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries using these areas of study, and be US citizens and have permanent residence in the US. Award: $2,000 ? $25,000 Deadline: March 31



**PPQ William F. Helms Student Scholarship**

Contact:, (202) 690-4759 Eligibility: Be a US citizen. Be enrolled in an accredited college or university within the US. Be a sophomore or junior in good academic standing (students must maintain at least a 2.5 grade-point average). Be enrolled in programs related to agriculture or the biological sciences. Agree to work for the agency during school breaks a minimum of 640 hours prior to completion of studies. Award: Up to $5,000 in financial assistance each year enrolled in a degree program, paid work experience during school breaks, and possible permanent employment upon graduation Deadline: March 1



Jack & Jill of America Foundation

Contact: Eligibility: High school seniors with a 3.0 GPA who will

become and maintain full-time status at an accredited, four year post secondary institution beginning in the fall of the year working toward a bachelor?s degree. Award: $1,500 ? $2,500 Deadline: March 14


? Scholarship Program

Contact: Eligibility: Beautiful Minds Scholarship ? minority

graduating high school seniors (high school GPA of 3.0 or higher) who are attending school in the US and

planning to enroll in a regionally accredited post-secondary institution; essay on the topic ?Finding My

Purpose.? First Things First Scholarship ? graduating high school seniors who will be the first in their

immediate family to attend college, are attending school in the US and plan to enroll in a regionally

accredited post-secondary institution, have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher; essay on the topic

?Education as a tool for success.? The Dreamer Scholarship ? a current undergraduate majoring in either a

Business or Science discipline with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Award: $1,000 Deadline: March 12



National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women?s Business Clubs, Inc. Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: African American graduating high school senior with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale by February 1st of graduation year. Must be a US Citizen. Award: contact for details Deadline: March 1



Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: African American female

with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale by February 1st in the year of graduation. A College Sophomore or Junior enrolled in an accredited college or university majoring in journalism, economics or related field. Must be a US Citizen Award: contact for details Deadline: March 1



Herbert Lehman Scholarship


Eligibility: High school seniors, high school graduates or freshmen currently enrolled in college or

university must be planning to attend or currently attending an accredited, four-year college or university;

must be of excellent character and be able to present strong academic records, test scores, and personal

essays; and must have a demonstrable record of community and school involvement that reveals exceptional leadership potential with a capacity to work well in diverse settings. Award: $2,000 Deadline: March 15



Kohl?s Cares Scholarship Program

Contact: Eligibility: Must be between the ages of 6 and 18 and not yet a high school graduate. Award: Regional winners will each be awarded a $1,000 scholarship for post-secondary education. National winners will each be awarded a total of $10,000 in scholarships for post-secondary education and Kohl?s will donate $1,000 to a non-profit organization on each winner?s behalf. Deadline: March 15


Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund

Contact: Eligibility: US

Citizen or permanent resident of US. High school senior with a GPA of 3.0/4.0 or higher who will

matriculate full-time at a US accredited four-year college or university within the fifty states or District of

Columbia starting at the beginning of the fall semester or quarter. Student must have demonstrated

leadership abilities through participating in community services or other extracurricular activities. Combined adjusted income of the parents cannot exceed $100,000. Award: $500 ? $2,500 Deadline: March 31


Louis Stokes Health Scholars Program

Contact:, or

202-263-2800 Eligibility: US citizens or legal residents, minimum 3.0 GPA, currently enrolled or planning to start a full-time undergraduate program with an anticipated course of study in the health field. Award: up to $8,000 Deadline: April 14



Tylenol Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: Applicants should be majoring in health or healthcare. Award: $5,000 ? $10,000 Deadline: May 27



SunTrust Off To College Scholarship Sweepstakes

Contact: Eligibility: Sweepstakes is open to any legal resident of the US who is either a high school senior, or a current undergraduate college student, who is planning to enroll in a US Department of Education accredited college or career school for the Fall. Entrants must be at least 13 years of age. Award: $1,000 Deadline: May 11



Megan Ashley Perry Memorial Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility:

Graduating high school seniors who have been admitted to an accredited US post-secondary institution and intend to pursue a major in Education, Social Services, Social Sciences, Communications, or related fields; US Citizens or qualified non-citizens with a minimum cumulative 3.00 GPA at the time of application. Award: $4,000 Deadline: May 13


Abbott & Fenner Consultant Scholarship

Contact: Eligibility: High school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any accredited post secondary institution. Write an essay on the most difficult time in your life, and why. Award: $1,000 Deadline: June 15


American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AiCHE) Minority Scholarship Award

Contact: Eligibility:

Applicants shall be undergraduates in chemical engineering, be members of a minority group that is underrepresented in chemical engineering, and have a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0. Award: $1,000 Deadline: Jun 15



Raymond W. Sarber Awards for Microbiology


27 Eligibility: Undergraduate and predoctoral students attending accredited US university and enrolled in a microbiology-related major. Award: $1,500 Deadline: July 1



Scholarships for PDCCC (applications are not available in Guidance, click the application link)


40/7 Society Scholarship

This scholarship was created in 2011 by the Paul D. Camp Community College Foundation in celebration of the 40th year of service and inauguration of their 7th president, Dr. Paul Wm Conco. This scholarship is awarded annually.


  • Non-traditional student ? Part time, evening (i.e. Taking at least one class after 4pm)
  • Demonstrated Financial need (as determined by Financial Aid with FAFSA)
  • Good academic standing with college

Application Process:

Application for the 40/7 Society scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

Determination is made by the Paul D. Camp Scholarship Committee


Alvin C. Rogers Memorial Smithfield Ruritan Scholarships


One scholarship at $500 for Spring Semester


  • At Least 2.0 GPA or GED (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application)
  • Financial Need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
  • Enrollment in a certificate or degree program at Paul D. Camp Community College?s Smithfield Center
  • Smithfield Address
  • 200- to 500-word essay on ?The Importance of Community Service Organizations?(must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Alvin C. Rogers Memorial Smithfield Ruritan scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

College Scholarship Committee makes selection


Bertella C. Westbrook Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students

Amount: $750

This scholarship was established in memory of Bertella C. Westbrook, RN, who was a staunch advocate of education and the nursing profession.


  • Letter of acceptance into the RN Program at PDCCC (must be attached to application)
  • Resident of College Service area (Cities of Franklin and Suffolk, Counties of Isle of Wight and
  • Three letters of recommendation, referencing character, potential for leadership in school activities,
    and community work (must be attached to application)
  • Financial Need (paragraph describing financial aid must be attached to
  • Short Essay on why you chose the nursing profession (must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Bertella C. Westbrook Memorial scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

The College Scholarship Committee makes selection.


Career Preparation Grant (for Franklin, Southampton or Isle of Wight residents; one for each service area)

Amount: $500


  • New or Returning Student with interest in career/job preparation (a returning student is one who has not attended college in the last 3 years)
  • Resident of Franklin, Southampton, or Isle of Wight
  • Three letters of recommendation (must be attached to application)
  • Enrollment in at least 6 semester hours of an Associate or Applied Science degree or certificate program at PDCCC for the Fall Semester.

Application Process:

Application for the Career Preparation Grant scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

The College Scholarship Committee makes selection.


Col. Lula B. Holland, U. S Army (Ret.), MSW, BSN, AA Scholarship

Amount: $250

After dropping out of high school for several years, Lula B. Holland decided to return and completed her high school diploma at the age of 21. Later, she earned an Associate of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and a Master?s degree in Social Work. She retired from the U.S Army Reserves at the rank of Colonel, having served as the Chief Nurse of the 18th Field Hospital?and from the City of Portsmouth (VA), having served as the Assistant Director of Social Services.

Known throughout the country as the ?hat lady? because she is never seen in public without wearing a beautiful hat on her head, Lula prides herself more in wearing the ?hats? of service to her country, service to her community, service to her church and service to her family. This annual scholarship established in her name will provide for books and incidentals related to the completion of a degree by a non-traditional student.


  • High School Graduate or GED recipient
  • Enrollment in at least 6 semester hours of an Associate or Applied Science Degree Program at PDCCC
  • Starting college at age 21 or older
  • Resident of Suffolk
  • Financial Need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
  • Proof of community service
  • Two letters of reference (must be attached to application)
  • Essay describing (1) how the decision was made to begin pursuing a college education at an age greater than 21 years old and (2) future plans (must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Col. Lula B. Holland, U. S Army (Ret.), MSW, BSN, AA scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

The College Scholarship Committee makes selection.


King?s Fork Woman?s Club of Suffolk Scholarship

Amount: $150

The King?s Fork Woman?s Club of Suffolk has designated a scholarship to be awarded to an adult student at Paul D. Camp Community College.


Essay describing the applicant?s goals (personal or professional), why the selected continuing

education courses are important, and how this scholarship might help.

Application Process:

Application for the King?s Fork Woman?s Club scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

King?s Fork Woman?s Club makes the selection


The Franklin Woman?s Club Scholarship

Amount: $400


  • Available to any person who would like to enroll for college work after having been out of school or college for at least three years
  • Must have a high school diploma or GED (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application)
  • Financial circumstances of the applicants may be considered a factor in granting the scholarship (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
  • Two letters of reference (must be attached to application)
  • Short paragraph explaining how this award would be beneficial to you (must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Franklin Woman?s Club scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

Franklin Woman?s Club makes selection


The Woman?s Club of Smithfield Scholarship

Amount: Two Scholarships @ $400 each


  • 25 years of age or older
  • 2.5 GPA or above (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application)
  • Enrollment or completion of any SDV course at PDCCC?s Smithfield Center
  • Enrollment in at least one 3-credit academic course at the Smithfield Center
  • Resident of Isle of Wight County

Application Process:

Application for the Woman?s Club of Smithfield scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

College Scholarship Committee makes selection


Susan E. Terry Scholarship for Returning Students, Sponsored & Given by the Franklin Jr. Woman?s Club

Amount: $250


The Susan E. Terry Scholarship was established in 1983 in memory of Susan E. Terry, a dedicated member of the Franklin Junior Woman?s Club.

  • 21 years of age or older
  • Resident of Franklin or adjacent counties
  • Enrollment in one or more courses at PDCCC
  • Three letters of reference (must be attached to application)
  • Essay explaining your need for this scholarship, the reason for your decision to continue your education, and your future plan (must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Susan E. Terry scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

Junior Woman?s Club Committee makes selection


The Connie Patterson Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund

Amount: $250

The Connie Patterson Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund was established September 22, 2006 to honor the memory of Connie Patterson. Connie was employed by Internal Medicine from October 14, 1996 until her death in 2006, as a medical administrator. Connie is survived by her husband, John Patterson and two sons, Adam T Patterson and Mark E. Patterson.

The initiative for the Fund came from her coworkers at Internal Medicine and the physicians, Robert G. Edwards, MD and Daniel K. Peak, Jr. MD, who worked with Connie and desire to honor her commitment to helping others by establishing a scholarship to assist deserving students in the nursing profession


  • New or Returning Student with interest in career/job preparation (a returning student is one who has not attended college in the past three years)
  • Resident of Franklin, Southampton, or Isle of Wight
  • Three letters of recommendation (must be attached to application)
  • Enrollment in at least 6 semester hours of an Associate or Applied Science degree or certificate program at PDCCC for the preceding Fall Semester (attach student OR official transcript)

Application Process:

Application for the Connie Patterson Memorial Nursing scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

College Scholarship Committee makes selection


Ryan L. Kirkland Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students

Amount: $500

Ryan Lawrence Kirkland graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology. Following a brief tour for the State of Alaska as a scientific observer on commercial fishing boats, he taught science in the public school system for four years. Ryan was passionate about education, science, and people. It was only natural when he decided to return to school to become a Registered Nurse. He entered the RN program at Paul D. Camp Community College in August 2006. His ready smile, sense of humor, dedication to study, and caring for others quickly earned the trust and respect of his classmates and college faculty. He was elected President of the Class of 2008.

Ryan loved people and accepted them as they were, no questions asked. He was always ready to lend his support to any project, problem, or cause. On March 21, 2007, Ryan died in a car accident. His time here was short, but he will never be forgotten. Ryan?s classmates said it best at their capping ceremony when they read a poem in his memory called ?The Dash? by Linda Ellis. The poem affi rms a simple truth: On a tombstone, you will see a date of birth and a date of death, but what is really important is how the Dash was spent between those years.


  • High School Graduate or GED recipient
  • Enrollment in at least 6 semester hours of an Associate or Applied Science Degree Program at PDCCC
  • Starting college at age 21 or older
  • Resident of Suffolk
  • Financial Need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
  • Proof of community service
  • Two letters of reference (must be attached to application)
  • Essay describing (1) how the decision was made to begin pursuing a college education at an age greater than 21 years old and (2) future plans (must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Ryan L. Kirkland Memorial scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.


Kiwanis Club of Smithfield Scholarships

Amount: Two Scholarships @ $250 each For Spring Semester


  • 2.5 GPA or above (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application)
  • Financial Need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
  • Enrollment in a certificate or degree program at PDCCC?s Smithfield Center ? Resident of Isle of Wight County
  • 250- to 500-word essay on ?How this Scholarship Might Assist Me in Obtaining my Educational and/or Career Goals? (must be attached to application)

Application Process:

Application for the Kiwanis Club of Smithfield scholarship at Paul D. Camp Community College.

College Scholarship Committee makes selection





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Is Lindsay Lohan Really Anything Like Elizabeth Taylor?

'Liz & Dick' co-star Grant Bowler weighs in on the actress' portrayal of the stage icon to MTV News.
By Jocelyn Vena

Lindsay Lohan and Grand Bowler in "Liz & Dick"
Photo: Jack Zeman/ Lifetime


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Video: Prince Charles ?impatient? about life goals

>>> the british tabloids are reading a lot into some recent comments from him. keir, good morning to you.

>> reporter: hey, savannah, good morning. you know, prince charles is now in his mid-60s, a time when many people's thoughts turn to what they want to do next. what he was saying in these comments is he wants to finish restoring one of his stately homes , but some think it is a reference by the future king to when he might get to move into this home. prince charles has seen his eldest son married and watched his mother celebrate 60 years on the throne. yet still he waits for the day when he will be king.

>> reporter: in british history no heir apparent has had to wait so long. now at 64, in an outburst of frustration, he has betrayed a hint of mortality.

>> impatient, me? what a thing to suggest. yes, of course, i am. i'll run out of time, soon.

>> reporter: i'll have snuffed it if i'm not careful.

>> reporter: even though he was officially talking about work to restore a stately home , humphries house. charles is famously one of the hardest working royals, running charities and speaking out on issues he cares about, like global warming .

>> if we do not create a big shift in our thinking and approach, humanity and the earth will soon begin to suffer some very grim consequences.

>> reporter: but he worries that the clock is ticking for him, too. his mood made worse perhaps by a recent poll that found prince charles less popular even than his new daughter-in-law. the same survey discovering the british like charles a lot less than the queen and even his son who is also waiting to be king.

>> perhaps camilla and charles are in the sandwich generation of royals. okay, they are respected but between the queen and william and kate don't get much of a lookp doesn't matter what the public thinks. charles will be king one day.

>> reporter: charles represents his mom. on a tour of australia last month, a successful trip, the crowd not as excited for william and kate. later in new zealand he spent his birthday on the set of the new movie "the hobbit. ".

>> the on this special day, your birthday, i offer myself at the request of sir peter jackson for you to come on as you see fit.

>> reporter: one day prince charles will be in command of an entire nation. but he may still be a few birthdays short of becoming king. royal experts say the queen will never give up the throne, not before she dies. she sees it at her duty. and, of course, savannah, the queen is still a young 86. her mother, the queen mother, lived to 100 which by my math prince charles may have to wait until he's 79.

>> what do they say, long live the king?

>> or in the words of the hobbit --

>> being a royal might stink sometimes. you can't talk about the hard life you've got going there.

>> pardon me while i take my crown off and talk about how rough it is.

>> you can't refinish your castle without reading into your remarks.

>> if he was truly talking about the house.

>> the flowy shirts and the pregnancy.

>> if that's the worst thing that happens to you in a day, still doing good.

>> a little bit of a


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In shocker, Israel's Barak quits politics

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak waves to media after a conference in Tel Aviv, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Barak shook up the Israeli political system Monday with the abrupt announcement that he is quitting politics and will not run in general elections in January. The defense minister made the surprise announcement even after polls showed his breakaway Independence Party gaining momentum after Israel's recent military offensive in the Gaza Strip. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak waves to media after a conference in Tel Aviv, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Barak shook up the Israeli political system Monday with the abrupt announcement that he is quitting politics and will not run in general elections in January. The defense minister made the surprise announcement even after polls showed his breakaway Independence Party gaining momentum after Israel's recent military offensive in the Gaza Strip. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak speaks to the media in Tel Aviv, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Barak shook up the Israeli political system Monday with the abrupt announcement that he is quitting politics and will not run in general elections in January. The defense minister made the surprise announcement even after polls showed his breakaway Independence Party gaining momentum after Israel's recent military offensive in the Gaza Strip. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak speaks to the media in Tel Aviv, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Barak shook up the Israeli political system Monday with the abrupt announcement that he is quitting politics and will not run in general elections in January. The defense minister made the surprise announcement even after polls showed his breakaway Independence Party gaining momentum after Israel's recent military offensive in the Gaza Strip. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak speaks to the media in Tel Aviv, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Barak shook up the Israeli political system Monday with the abrupt announcement that he is quitting politics and will not run in general elections in January. The defense minister made the surprise announcement even after polls showed his breakaway Independence Party gaining momentum after Israel's recent military offensive in the Gaza Strip. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

(AP) ? Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday abruptly announced he was quitting politics, injecting new turmoil into the Israeli political system weeks ahead of general elections.

Barak, Israel's most-decorated soldier and one-time prime minister, said he would stay on in his current post until a new government is formed following the Jan. 22 balloting.

His resignation could mean the departure of the most moderating influence on hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who holds a wide lead in polls and is expected to easily win re-election. Barak, who heads a small centrist faction in parliament, often served as Netanyahu's unofficial envoy to Washington to smooth over differences with the Obama White House.

His impending departure comes at a key time for Israel, as the nation struggles to find its way in a region where the old order of Arab autocrats has been swept aside by the Arab Spring and the rise of Islamist political parties. Israel also faces a looming decision on whether to attack Iran's nuclear program, which the Jewish state fears is designed to develop atomic weapons ? a charge Tehran denies.

Less than a week ago, Barak led an eight-day military offensive against the Hamas militant group that rules the Gaza Strip. The fighting, aimed at ending rocket fire from the Palestinian territory. ended in a fragile truce.

"I didn't make this decision (to leave politics) without hesitating, but I made it wholeheartedly," he told a hastily arranged news conference, saying he had been wrestling with the decision for weeks.

He evaded repeated questions about whether he might agree to serve as a Cabinet minister in an upcoming government, leaving open the possibility that he might still retain an impact on Israeli politics. While most Cabinet ministers also hold parliamentary seats, they do not have to be elected lawmakers, and such appointments have been made in the past.

Barak, 70, made the surprise announcement even after polls showed his breakaway Independence Party gaining momentum after the Gaza campaign.

Despite the bump in the polls, Barak still could have found himself fighting for his political survival once election day rolls around. Surveys before the Gaza operation were unkind to his party, at times showing it polling too weakly to even send a single representative to parliament.

"I feel I have exhausted my political activity, which had never been an object of desire for me. There are many ways for me to serve the country, not just through politics," he said, adding that his decision was spurred in part by his desire to spend more time with his family.

Possible replacements include Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon, a former military chief, and Shaul Mofaz, a former military chief and defense minister, who now serves as chairman of the opposition Kadima Party.

Barak's political career was as turbulent as his 36-year military career was dazzling.

The former war hero and military chief of staff blazed into politics on the coattails of his mentor, Yitzhak Rabin, and had been viewed by many as his heir apparent. With a resume that includes commanding some of Israel's most daring hostage rescue operations and raids, Barak was elected prime minister from the centrist Labor Party in 1999 ? just four years after retiring from the military. Many Israelis hoped he would parlay what was seen as his sharp strategic mind and unorthodox methods on the battlefield into long-elusive accords with the Palestinians and Syria.

But the consensus-building so important in the political arena did not mesh well with the go-it-alone style that served him in the military. Political allies and foes alike considered Barak aloof and imperious, and others questioned whether he possessed the interpersonal skills necessary to negotiate elusive accords with Israel's enemies.

Disappointed with his performance, Israeli voters booted Barak out of the premier's office in record time ? less than two years ? after his government unraveled with the outbreak of a Palestinian uprising and the collapse of U.S.-sponsored peace talks.

Hard-liner Ariel Sharon trounced him in a 2001 election. Barak left behind a legacy of failed peacemaking with the Palestinians and Syria, despite unprecedented offers of sweeping territorial concessions, and a contentious decision to end Israel's 18-year military occupation of south Lebanon overnight, which created a vacuum quickly filled by the anti-Israel Hezbollah guerrilla group.

For six years, the onetime Labor leader kept himself busy with lucrative speaking engagements and business consulting, reportedly amassing millions and cementing his image as a politician out of touch with his constituents.

But Barak returned to politics in 2007, handily recapturing the Labor leadership and replacing civilian Defense Minister Amir Peretz, who led a much-criticized war in Lebanon the previous summer.

But while Israelis liked Barak as defense minister, they didn't want him as their prime minister, and his party, which had led Israel to independence and governed the nation for its first three decades, lost its public appeal. In the 2009 election that brought Netanyahu to power, Labor won an all-time low of 13 of parliament's 120 seats.

Barak's dovish base turned on him after he led Labor into Netanyahu's conservative government, accusing Barak of betraying the party's ideals by joining forces with a man who at the time did not even recognize the principle of a Palestinian state.

In January 2011, he bolted Labor to form a new party, Independence, which has largely failed to resonate with the public.

Israeli hard-liners disliked him, too, accusing him of undermining the West Bank settlement movement by holding up building approvals, clearing squatters from West Bank homes and encouraging Netanyahu to support a temporary settlement construction slowdown.

But if Barak was unpopular with the public, he retained his clout with Netanyahu, whom he commanded in an elite special operations unit. As the prime minister's point man with the United States, Barak was welcomed in Washington as a moderating influence on Netanyahu's hard line policies toward the Arab world and Iran's nuclear program.

That alliance saw some rocky times recently with reports the prime minister objected to Barak's newly moderate tone that Israel should defer to the U.S. in deciding whether to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

But the two seemed to have patched up things, appearing to work harmoniously on the recent Gaza campaign.

In a statement Monday, Netanyahu said he "respected" Barak's decision.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Congo rejects rebel demand for talks: spokesman

Looks like Jennie Garth isn't the only one dipping her toes back into the dating pool -- her estranged husband, Peter Facinelli, stepped out with a new lady on his arm on Thursday.The 38-year-old "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" star, who split from Jennie in March, was photographed having dinner and later holding hands with actress Jaimie Alexander, 28, in New York City on Thursday, ahead of Peter's "Twilight Saga" film screening.


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After Hurricane Sandy, People Flock to Radio for Information ...

During the arrival and immediate aftermath of Hurricane Sandy last month, those with power looked to television, the Web and social media for information. But large numbers of people, particularly those in the hardest-hit areas, also turned to the radio.

Arbitron, the radio ratings service, will report on Monday that from 7 p.m. to midnight on Oct. 29, when the storm made landfall in New Jersey, an average of just more than a million people in the broader New York region were listening to the radio during any 15-minute period. That is up 70 percent from the same period the week before. (Besides the five boroughs of New York City, the metropolitan market includes five counties in New York, nine in New Jersey and part of one in Connecticut.)

The audience skyrocketed in coastal areas. Stamford and Norwalk, Conn., had a 367 percent increase during that period; in New Jersey, that figure was up 247 percent in Monmouth County, and up 195 percent in Middlesex, Somerset and Union counties. These numbers increased even though some stations, like WNYC and WINS, lost their AM frequencies yet continued to broadcast on FM.

In many areas, power was out for days, limiting access to televisions and computers. Joe Puglise, the manager of Clear Channel Communications? radio stations in New York, said that at his home in Monmouth County, which got power back last week, he tuned in on a transistor radio, and that his stations received similar reports from listeners across the region.

At WHTZ-FM, also known as Z100, Clear Channel?s popular Top 40 station, D.J.?s whose news reports are usually confined to Lady Gaga sightings took calls from listeners and spent long stretches disseminating information from the authorities. At Clear Channel?s building in TriBeCa, the studios had generator power but offices upstairs were dark.

?We haven?t had a situation like this in terms of response from listeners since 9/11,? Mr. Puglise said.

In some areas, the storm continued to dominate the airwaves well into last week, as Sean Ross, a radio analyst in New Jersey, noted in an online column for Billboard magazine about WJLK-FM, a Top 40 station on the Jersey Shore. On that station, the storm was a topic for news coverage, listener testimonials, even car dealer and supermarket ads.

The news reports on commercial music stations contrasts with the aftermath of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Ross said, when many stations simply turned their signals over to affiliated news stations. It also underscores radio?s local roots and accessibility in a time of media deluge.

?Radio,? Mr. Ross said, ?still has an authority that not every tweet has.?


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ECONOMY: Inland area improves but still struggling : Economy

Posted on | November 19, 2012 | Comments

Inland Southern California is still close to the bottom of the economic pile but at least the numbers are improving a little.

The third-quarter report from CredAbility, a national non-profit credit counseling service, found that in the third quarter the metropolitan area made up from Riverside and San Bernardino counties had the fourth-worst economic conditions of the 30 major metros it measures.

That?s not cheering news, but in the first quarter, CredAbility has the Inland Empire as the third-worst metro. In the most-recent quarter, the Inland area is better than the Orlando and Tampa-St. Petersburg areas of Florida and Las Vegas.

Detroit, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles and Atlanta are among the cities with economies that are limping. The five healthiest metros in the third quarter were Washington, Minneapolis, Boston, Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth.

The Inland area?s reading was 60.81 in the third quarter, and it has gotten better in each of the last five quarters. For the record, 70 is considered the break-even point for having an economy that is not in distress.

CredAbility bases its study on employment, housing values, net worth, credit strength and the management of household budgets. Nationally the rating was 70.4, down a little from the second quarter but up sharply in the last 12 months.


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